There are certain measures of social support for large families with the status of "Poor". can take advantage of by fulfilling a number of conditions.
Which family is considered large
Russian legislation considers a large family to be one in to existing mobile number list have which three or more minor children are brought up. The fact of adoption, care does not affect the assignment of the status of having many children.
The interpretation of the concept of this social status may vary depending on the region of residence of specific citizens. For example, age limits may be extended or reduced, within which the number of children is considered to be assigned a status.
So, in some regions the age limit is lowered to 16 years. In others, age limits are extended in connection with the completion of a complete general education in secondary school or full-time study at a university. Some local authorities give the title of having many children to a family raising at least five kids.
The right to benefits for large families
State assistance in the form of tax benefits for large families is provided to people who are involved in the upbringing and maintenance of young children.